Get Instant Access to Start Getting Your Family Back

You have literally done EVERYTHING! Punishments, incentivizing, haggling, even negotiating. Nothing worked.

Optimized-Canva - Stressed young parents tired of crazy loud children.

But don't worry. You haven't read, seen, or implemented anything like THIS!

Tons of loving parents have endured the same pain and desperation you’re feeling right now and found a way forward with the ESP System. The same can be true for you!

This 5 module course walks you through the complete ESP process to be able to stop all the power struggles and lecturing. FOR GOOD!

If you are ready to commit to sustainable change please read about the module breakdowns below. I would also recommend looking at my video that further explains ESP in greater detail.


Emotionally Strategic Parenting Program
$ 297.00


  • Emotionally Strategic Parenting Program

    -5 Audio Clip Modules -BONUS 4 Pillars of Balance Module -Transcripts for Each Module -Detailed Workbook
  • Total

    USD $297.00


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Module 1: Family of Origin Dynamics

You start the course off by creating emotional awareness around your unconscious triggers. These tend to stem from your family of origin dynamic and role you held as a child, which contributes to your approach in the present.

You will also learn...

  • how experiences from your childhood result in hyperfocusing on them with your children.
  • how family culture when you were younger is no longer relevant, creating unrealistic expectations for your children.
  • why your parents approach with you may not be effective for today's children.
  • how projection can shape your reactions to your child's behavior both negatively and positively.
  • how emotional boundaries in your upbringing can lead to unhealthy boundaries now.
  • if there are others who are influencing your parenting creating more stress than solutions.

You will have access to a comprehensive reflection worksheet that will assist you in bringing the unconscious to the conscious.

Module 2: Power of Rapport Building

You will learn to harness the power of rapport building to create influence like never before! I have step-by-step instructions that you can implement immediately to improve your relationship and simultaneously, reduce hostility.

You will learn also learn...

  • what rapport is and isn't in order to maintain the loving connection you desire.
  • simple, but effective strategies to start building credibility and connection IMMEDIATELY, so you can be more influential.
  • to avoid the fatal error all parents make, even if they implement the best strategies or have major rapport already.
  • to leverage areas of interest your child has to start dialogue more often.
  • how my "benefit of the doubt" strategy will allow you to maintain rapport, even when there are problems that arise.

This one module alone, has helped parents create the loving bond they so desperately wanted. The worksheets for this module give you actionable steps specific to your child and family.

Module 3: Core Components of ESP

You will learn in depth ESP strategies that are essential to the model being lasting and sustainable. These ingredients are markers for you to be able to identify efficiently if you are applying the model or not.

You will also learn...

  • how to embrace the three human needs that drive your child's behavior.
  • the 4-parenting types, and which one we will implement due to effectiveness from research.
  • the emotional motivations behind a parent that is either too strict or too accommodating. 
  • how compliance based parenting is working against the long-term goals of your child being resilient and independent.
  • how embracing principles, instead of arguing about problems, stops all debates, arguments, and power struggles.
  • the secret strategy that takes away parents from having to accommodate or enable, so you never have to feel guilty AGAIN!
  • the power of leverage and how parents struggle to fully embrace its effectiveness.
  • how we use consequences not to hurt the child, but  as leverage to promote reflection, responsibility, and mindfulness.

You will have access to a cheat sheet that will allow you to utilize to look at during the coming weeks of implementing ESP.

Module 4: Acclimating the Family to ESP

You will learn the step-by-step process for acclimating the family to taking more personal responsibility, with no anxiety and hostility. This is considered the learning week in the model, as the family is learning to adapt to this new process of problems solving.

You will also learn...

  • the specific principles that you are going to instill in your child.
  • the vital importance of boundaries, both physical and emotional, to create authority in your parenting.
  • how to create a script to inform your children of the changes in your approach.
  • the power of emotionally reflective questioning to stop recurring bad behavior.
  • how Positive Prophesizing can maintain the loving connection you have built, even when problems occur.
  • how this process looks based on a past case I have utilized ESP with.

The worksheets allow for you to have guidance and support to make your own family script and a "cheat sheet" for the entire process.

Module 5: Implementing Accountability

You will learn the complete step-by-step system to implement accountability while maintaining that loving relationship you have built. This module ties the entire ESP system together to establish healthy boundaries, emotional resilience, personal responsibility, and empowerment that will endure.

You will also learn...

  • how to love your child through learning principles, with accountability.
  • when to implement leverage strategically so that it does NOT result in power struggles.
  • to harness backtalk and arguing to use as a means to get your child to take even more ownership and further build rapport.
  • to understand how to react and respond if the child becomes verbally or physically aggressive to deescalate the situation.
  • why we rinse, wash, repeat this process to harness the law of attrition.
  • how this process looks based on a past case I have utilized ESP with.

The worksheet will allow you to outline specific leverage points, outline a family script for preparing the family, and have a cheat sheet so you can refer to it in times of struggle.

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