Create emotionally resilient, self-sufficient kids without power struggles or incentivizing!

Take back control & create the happy family dynamic you deserve.

STOP POWER STRUGGLES & Get Relief Within Days!

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"I fear my kids won't ever have self control...

They always need me to remind or nag them...I'm exhausted

I need to threaten or yell all the time. Even that doesn't even work."


You have tried EVERYTHING: threats, lectures, punishments, negotiations, or even incentivizing!

No matter what you do, everything feels like a power struggle:

  • Getting ready for school.
  • Being prepared for extracurricular activities.
  • Completing homework independently.
  • Chores.
  • Being on time.
  • Sibling rivalry.
  • Picking up after themselves.
  • Balance with using technology.
  • Morning and evening routines.
  • Meeting curfew.

You're stuck on repeat. You’re so tired of fighting. Of negotiating. Of feeling like a failure.

What if it doesn't need to be this way?

Believe it or not these struggles are true for ALL of my clients. You can take back control.

With Emotionally Strategic Parenting it is easier (and far less stressful) than you think.

All of my clients have found hope and sustainable changes in their family dynamic.

They followed this STEP-BY-STEP system that focuses more on instilling principles, rather than focusing on problems.

This is what makes Emotionally Strategic Parenting different from ANYTHING else available.


Want to Learn More?

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

It is possible to create emotionally resilient, self-sufficient kids without the power struggles or incentivizing. I've done it with HUNDREDS of parents!


Hi, I am Matt Maynard.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Private Practice Owner in Westport, Connecticut.

Parents have called me for years desperate for strategies to help them "manage" their children.

They came to me after reading all the "popular parenting" books. Attending parenting workshops. Listening to "expert parents". None of it was working for the LONG HAUL.

Emotionally Strategic Parenting was developed for parents to work themselves OUT of a job, instead of further into one.

Lawn mower parenting, helicopter parenting, and free range have all fallen short for ONE reason.

They only look at to solve problems FOR their kids, instead of instill PRINCIPLES to allow their kids to be empowered!

The world, more so than ever, needs self-sufficient, empowered, and mentally tough young adults. They need resilience to succeed. I am committed to helping parents raise the next generation of leaders and emotionally free thinkers. I know you are too or you wouldn't be seeking out this resource.

So what are you waiting for?

Just Imagine...

  • Your kids coming home from school to complete their homework immediately, feeling accomplished.
  • Having more fun and playfulness on a consistent basis.
  • Getting appreciation for when do you choose to help your child.
  • Your teenager ASKING what time they need to be home instead of TELLING you what time.
  • Your kids being mindful of time and being proactive in getting themselves ready.
  • ZERO temper tantrums when you tell them "no".
  • You and your co-parent being able to have clarity and balance to your parenting approach.
  • Feeling respected and loved when you and your kids interact, even under stress.
  • Getting back the relationship you lost. FOR GOOD!

I know that these seem like exaggerated claims, I get it. But every one of these examples come directly from my clients success. I'm proud to say that these outcomes are common for my clients.


From Previous Successful Parents

"My husband and I were having endless altercations with our 15-year-old son. His unbalanced focus on gaming was disrupting his focus on school, socializing and personal hygiene. Our interactions with him were combative and his personality was volatile and “joyless”. We reached out to Matt as a last resort as our own attempts to improve our relationship with our son and affect his approach to life were not successful. Matt’s guidance was transformative. Matt’s (often humorous) approach piloted us to a place where our son eventually took ownership of the balance in his own life. In a relatively short period of time the interactions with our son became less volatile and more productive. We witnessed him taking ownership of managing his time, personal space, and personal hygiene. Matt’s approach changed the unhealthy dynamic we “unknowingly” were perpetuating with our son. Our son is now “owning” his successes. He takes pride in the balance he has created in his life and seeks out time to talk to us about his academic/life pursuits. Our relationship has improved beyond what we could have ever anticipated. Our time spent following Matt’s strategies and guidance has decompressed our home life and brought back that “peace of mind” that all parents have when their child is on a positive trajectory in life. We are beyond grateful."

Kathy and Scott-Parents of a Teenage Boy and Girl

"It's working. You literally just handed me a KEY! I can't believe they are more independent without begging for my help to do it for them."

Gina S.-Mother of 2 Boys and a Girl

"Matt I am still in shock as I write this email. I almost fainted. My son just asked me if he is contributing better. OMG! He gets it!"

Dawn C.- Mother and 2 Teenage Boys

"Matt is a Jedi. If you are willing to do the work, his approach and solutions will work for any family…especially complicated ones. Simple yet revolutionary approach. Will be published world wide eventually…at least he should."

Ethan R. Father of 2 Boys

"Matt is a pro. We worked with him to address several challenges we were facing as parents. He is very personable and knew just how to put us at ease, which made it easy to connect with him immediately. His approach is smart and straightforward. If you put in the effort, you will see results. Matt recognizes being a parent isn’t always easy and his strategies encourage you to be successful. Matt has a great sense of humor and knows how to find the positive in the most frustrating situations, we always shared a few good laughs by the end our session."

Ali C. Mother of 2 Boys

"We came to Matt after months of dealing with exhausting sibling conflict and negative attention-seeking behavior. He helped us craft the tools that have become the most important ones in our parenting toolbox. His positivity combined with real-world experience and structure was a breath of fresh air. What was once mom confusion and mom guilt has transformed into mom confidence. Thank you, Matt!"

Ingrid S. Mother of 2 Boys and a Girl

100% Online, Self-Paced, and Straightforward!

  • 24/7 access for LIFE to all the modules, handouts, transcripts, etc.
  • "Strategy Sheets" specifically designed for common areas that are problematic.
  • Online portal works with any device with internet access! (Computers, tablets, smartphones)

NO FLUFF-Uncover and Solve CORE Problems

  • You learn both strategies and insight on how your experiences that shape your parenting.
  • Step-by-step modules designed to build off of one another. ESP focuses on instilling principles through a rinse, wash, repeat process, allowing for problem pattern interruption.
  • Have scripts and outlines available to make sure you are on point with implementation.

Create mind blowing awareness in yourself and approach in just a few days.

  • Recognize the influence your family of origin has had upon your parenting approach.
  • Implement and recognized missed rapport building strategies so that you can connect with your child in long term, sustainable ways.
  • Identify "necessary ingredients" that help to instill principles rather than get caught up on problem dialogue.

Connect with other ESP Parents who understand your struggles.

  • Join Matt's Private, members only Facebook Group.
  • Learn alongside parents who are also struggling with the same concerns you are.
  • A NO JUDGEMENT ZONE. Get compassionate support from other parents committed to ESP.

Sustainably STOP even the most stressful parenting difficulties, including...

  • Disrespectful Back Talk

  • Entitlement

  • Completing Tasks Independently

  • Contributing Through Chores without Incentivizing

  • Sibling Rivalry

  • Meeting Curfews and Sneaking Out

  • Morning and Evening Routines

  • Balance with Electronics

  • Proactive Time Management

  • Prioritizing Needs Before Wants

  • Controlling Anger and Aggression

  • Accepting "NO"