FLASH SALE: Special Offer Available For The Next 30 Minutes
SPECIAL OFFER: Summer routines that’ll keep kids occupied, mom sane, and end the yelling, nagging, and dreaded “I’m bored” For Good

75% Off: Order in the next 30 Mins For Only $17! (A $67 Value)
Get lifetime, instant access to proven cheat sheets, tools, and scripts to transform summer chaos into routines that create independence, accountability, and peace.
✔ Over a dozen pages of tools and cheats to transform chaotic summer days into routines and consistency to help kids of all ages thrive.
✔ Family meeting scripts
✔ Accountability scripts
✔ Tools for leveraging consequences
✔...and more!
75% Off: Order in the next 30 Mins For Only $17! (A $67 Value)
As Seen On:

Morning Routine Cheat Sheets
A summer schedule for kids will help maintain order, peace, and cleanliness while making the transition to a more strict routine in the fall easier for the whole family. implementing and sticking to a routine in the summer can be challenging. But With a daily cheat sheet, you can help kids create a foundation of independence so every summer day starts off right!

Afternoon Routine Cheat Sheets
Help kids have more freedom during the day this summer without sacrificing the order and predictability a routine brings. End the dreaded daily “I’m Bored” and give kids autonomy and independence without constant nagging and frustration.

Evening Routine Cheat Sheets
Summer can be loads of fun but the downside is that kids (and parents) don’t actually function well without routine. Everyone loses their cool after a few days of erratic bedtimes, sleepovers, and Visits from the ice cream truck. These cheat sheets will provide a simple and effective way to add routines so the whole family gets well-deserved downtime and sleep!
75% Off: Order in the next 30 Mins For Only $17! (A $67 Value)
PLUS, for a limited time... get these bonuses:
BONUS #1: 5 Strategies To Building Massive Rapport
Rapport is the basis for what makes a relationship have influence. The more rapport you have built the more you can emotionally sway and influence an individual. Rapport is built in many different ways, but I have focused on 5 to help you RIGHT AWAY!

BONUS #2: Transforming Lunch & Dinner Chaos Cheats
Tired of arguing, bargaining, bribing, or even cooking separate meals? End all the chaos over meals and transform mealtime into a peaceful place to connect without the constant power struggles.

BONUS #3: The Leverage Litmus Tests
Learn how to leverage accountability measures and determine how to use consequences to empower your child to be more independent.

75% Off: Order in the next 30 Mins For Only $17! (A $67 Value)

14-Day Money Back GUARANTEE!
You read that right: I GUARANTEE you’ll be so thrilled by the information I present we're removing ALL the risk from this offer. If you are not 100% satisfied, just contact us within 14 days for a Hassle-Free Refund! No one else is doing this!
75% Off: Order in the next 30 Mins For Only $17! (A $67 Value)