New Ebook Reveals:
How parents are ending power struggles, arguing, and nagging for GOOD in a matter of days.
Take back control, transform the chaos, and raise independent and accountable kids and teens who are empowered to make good choices starting today with a simple eBook.

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Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?
"I fear my kids won't ever have self-control…”
“They always need me to remind or nag them…”
“I need to threaten or yell all the time and even that doesn't even work.”
“I’m tired of being the “mean parent”!”
“They’ll never make it in the real world”
“I’m exhausted and can’t keep this up day after day. I’ll ruin my relationship with my kids!”
No matter what you do, everything feels like a power struggle:
Getting ready for school.
Preparing for extracurricular activities.
Completing homework independently.
Being on time.
Sibling rivalry.
Picking up after themselves.
Balance with using technology.
Morning and evening routines.
Meeting curfew.
You're stuck on repeat. You’re so tired of fighting.
Of negotiating. Of feeling like a failure. 👎🏼
It doesn’t have to be this way! You can end the cycle starting right now!
Parenting is one of the most challenging jobs in the world.
Nothing prepares you properly for it. Kids don’t come with an instruction booklet with nice big simple pictures like IKEA furniture.
EVERY parent struggles from time to time. You are not alone. Almost ALL parents have felt burned out and exhausted at one time or another, struggling to find answers to some of the most challenging questions they’ve ever faced.

The GOOD NEWS is that parenting can be the most rewarding experience of your life if you can get the help and support you need.
Watching your kids develop into thriving, self-sufficient, confident, and productive individuals is truly an energizing experience.
But it’s all too common to end up stuck in the daily cycle of power struggles, yelling, arguing, bad attitudes, incentivizing, and feeling your kids will NEVER grow into the empowered and accountable adults you desperately want them to be.
Over the years, I’ve had thousands of clients in my private practice come to me feeling overwhelmed, alone, and on the verge of burnout. A few of them were even getting close to hating their kids – questioning whether they were really cut out for this.
As a result, my practice is now almost entirely devoted to helping parents make simple shifts to end power struggles with their kids, take back control and create the happy family dynamic they deserve.
Raising kids has always taken a ton of commitment and emotional energy, but after the challenges of these past few years, parents are more burnt out and exhausted than ever.

Study after study tells us that parent stress has increased substantially in the past 2 years.
And it’s not just these last 2 years alone…
Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago.
What you’ll learn in this EBook will allow you to implement strategies to end power struggles and take back control starting TODAY!
Transform the chaos and raise independent self-starting kids and teens who will take responsibility and make good decisions on their own.
Just Imagine...

Your kids come home from school and complete their homework right away.
Having joy in your parenting again – having more fun with them.
Easy and peaceful bedtimes.

Your kids waking up on their own, getting ready for school on time, and never missing curfew.
Your kids taking out the trash, clean up their rooms, or finish the dishes without being asked.
Receiving appreciation and satisfaction for what you do as a parent.

ZERO temper tantrums and way less conflict.
Feeling respected and loved, even when you and your kids interact under stress.
Best of all, you and your co-parent will stop fighting each other on how to best approach problems! ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Guaranteed to transform your family... or your money back

Worried that the day-to-day power struggles will never end? That your relationship with your kids is forever damaged from yelling and arguing? That it just plain won't work? If you don't see complete transformation after implementing the strategies you learn in this book in just 30 days, we'll give you your money back, no questions asked.
There’s absolutely NO risk. You have nothing to lose ... and everything to gain.

My husband and I were having endless altercations with our 15-year-old son. His unbalanced focus on gaming was disrupting his focus on school, socializing and personal hygiene. Our interactions with him were combative and his personality was volatile and “joyless”. We reached out to Matt as a last resort as our own attempts to improve our relationship with our son and affect his approach to life were not successful. Matt’s guidance was transformative. Matt’s (often humorous) approach piloted us to a place where our son eventually took ownership of the balance in his own life. In a relatively short period of time the interactions with our son became less volatile and more productive. We witnessed him taking ownership of managing his time, personal space, and personal hygiene. Matt’s approach changed the unhealthy dynamic we “unknowingly” were perpetuating with our son. Our son is now “owning” his successes. He takes pride in the balance he has created in his life and seeks out time to talk to us about his academic/life pursuits. Our relationship has improved beyond what we could have ever anticipated. Our time spent following Matt’s strategies and guidance has decompressed our homelife and brought back that “peace of mind” that all parents have when their child is on a positive trajectory in life. We are beyond grateful.
Parents of 2
It's working. You literally just handed me a KEY!
I can't believe they are more independent without begging for my help to do it for them.
Mother of 3
Matt I am still in shock as I write this email. I almost fainted. My son just asked me if he is contributing better. OMG! He gets it!
Mother of 2